Client-Side Installation
Once you have prepared server-side adapter, you will need to setup your client-side framework.
Install Dependencies
First, you need to install Vortex client:
npm install @westacks/vortex
Initialize Application
Next, initialize Vortex client and create your application root:
For Svelte 5, your entry file should have svelte.js
extension and you will update your root props using $state
import { createVortex, subscribe, install } from '@westacks/vortex';
import { core } from '@westacks/vortex/extensions'
import { props as getProps } from './setup';
import { mount, hydrate } from 'svelte'
import App from './App.svelte';
createVortex(async (target, page, ssr) => {
const props = $state(await getProps(page))
const h = ssr ? hydrate : mount
h(App, {target, props})
subscribe(async (page) => Object.assign(props, await getProps(page)))
Or in case you use older version of Svelte, you can use legacy class component syntax:
import { createVortex, subscribe, install } from '@westacks/vortex'
import { core } from '@westacks/vortex/extensions'
import { props } from './setup'
import App from './App.svelte'
createVortex(async (target, page, hydrate) => {
const app = new App({ target, props: await props(page), hydrate })
subscribe(async (page) => app.$set(await props(page)))
You will need to resolve page component, using your bundler's API. We will provide example for Vite as most popular, but code below may differ depending on bundler you are using.
export const props = async (page) => {
const pages = import.meta.glob('./pages/**/*.svelte')
const component = (await pages[`./pages/${page.component}.svelte`])?.default
return { component, props: page.props ?? {} }
export let component, props
{#if component}
<component this={component} {...props} />
After that you may start creating components in ./pages
directory. Each time vortex initiates page change, it will resolve corresponding component, provide it with props and render it.
You are not glued to use app structure provided above, so you may modify it as you wish for your use-cases (layouts, loading states, etc).
Server-Side Rendering
Optionally, you can setup bundle for server-side rendering (SSR), which can be utilized by your server to pre-render pages of your application:
Svelte 5
import { createVortexServer } from '@westacks/vortex/server'
import { render } from 'svelte/server'
import { props } from './setup'
import App from './App.svelte'
createVortexServer(async (page) => {
const {html, head} = render(App, {props: await props(page)})
// You should return data type, that compatible with your server API
return {body: html, head}
Svelte (legacy)
import { createVortexServer } from '@westacks/vortex/server'
import { props } from './setup'
import App from './App.svelte'
createVortexServer(async (page) => {
const {html, head} = App.render(await props(page))
// You should return data type, that compatible with your server API
return {body: html, head}
Using SSR bundle
SSR bundle takes page data as input and returns pre-rendered HTML strings based on your client-side logic. You will need a JavaScript runtime configured on your server to use it:
Server Mode
node ./dist/ssr.js
curl -X POST http://localhost:13714/render \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"component":"Page","props":{},"url": "/","version":"..."}'
CLI Mode
node ./dist/ssr.js '{"component":"Page","props":{},"url": "/","version":"..."}'